Social Media Terms of Use
Terms of Use
Welcome to the Park Cities Surgery Center social media site. These terms of use bind the use of this site. Please exit the site if you do not wish to abide by these terms.
Age: You must be 18 to post content on our site.
Privacy and Security: By its very nature, a social media site such as this cannot be considered private or secure. You must take appropriate steps to protect your personal information on the Web and any social media site.
Content: Users may not post any materials or links to materials that contain objectionable material (for instance, that which is libelous, defamatory, false, obscene, indecent, lewd, violent, abusive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, etc.). We reserve the right to remove content or posts that do not meet these standards. Anyone who continues to disregard these guidelines will be blocked from the site.
Personal Health Information: As health care provider, we must obey laws governing the protection of personal health information. Content that includes personal health information (whether yours or someone else’s) and photos of patients cannot be posted to this site.
Medical Advice: Specific medical advice can only be provided by a physician. Please consult your physician if you have specific questions concerning your health or medical status.
Copyright/Trademark: Only post, upload or transmit content that you have copyrighted or have permission to post from the original source.
Products/Endorsements: We do not allow any posts considered endorsements of products or services. Nor should a “like” or “follow” of a person or entity by this page or this healthcare facility be considered an endorsement of that person or entity. Additionally, users should not use this site to solicit contributions.